Prairie Creek under Bazore/Division St

Featured Project



Prairie Creek under Bazore/Division St

Hutchison Engineering, Inc. (HEI) was selected by the LaSalle County Highway Department to provide preliminary engineering and construction oversight services for the replacement of two multi-barrel box culverts in Streator, IL. Both culverts are located on Prairie Creek one carrying Bazore St. and the other carrying Division St. The existing structures were replaced with triple box culverts. The new Bazore St. structure is a triple 16’x8’ (varied) box culvert and the new Division St. structure is a triple 16’x7’ box culvert. The stream was lined with riprap at both structure locations to minimize scour and stream degradation. Both structures were constructed under road closure with traffic temporarily detoured. The project also included reconstruction of curb and gutter and sidewalk in the vicinity of the structure. Construction of the culverts was accomplished in two separate contracts. Bazore St. was completed in 2012 and Division St. was completed in 2013.

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