US Rte 50 Reconstruction

Featured Project



US Rte 50 Reconstruction

Hutchison Engineering, Inc. (HEI) was selected by the Illinois Department of Transportation - District 7 to complete a Phase I study of the US Rte. 50 Corridor from 2.5 miles west of IL. Rte. 130 in Olney to 3.5 miles east of IL. Rte. 1 in Lawrenceville for a total distance of 27 miles. The scope of the study is the reconstruction and expansion of the existing two-lane facility to a four-lane expressway to improve regional connectivity, enhance accessibility to communities within the project area, and improve travel efficiency. Work items included the preparation of an environmental assessment, combined design report, preliminary alignment studies, accident analysis, drainage study, intersection design studies, interchange design studies, public involvement, and related work. Alignment studies for this add-lane study proved to be challenging because four-lane US Rte. 50 will be constructed within existing right-of-way that was purchased in the 1960’s for the I-64 that was eventually constructed approximately 30 miles to the south. The estimated cost of this project is $429 million and will be constructed via multiple contract sections. Design approval is expected in late 2017.

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