Featured Project
Hutchison Engineering, Inc. (HEI) was selected by the LaSalle County Highway Department to provide preliminary engineering services for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project at the intersection of CH 15 and CH 4 north of Marseilles. The CH 15 / CH 4 intersection project is a two-way stop controlled intersection which has been the sight of multiple fatal crashes. HEI assisted LaSalle County in preparing a successful HSIP application by performing a traffic study and crash analysis. Once HSIP funding was granted HEI performed Phase I and Phase II engineering services. The scope of work included investigation and preliminary design of a rural roundabout. Due to funding restrictions a lower cost option was also investigated and ultimately chosen. The chosen option included radius widening, intersection lighting, raised medians on the stop controlled legs and installation of flashing “Stop” and “Cross Traffic Does Not Stop” signs. Construction of this $0.6 million project was completed in 2017.